The story of Josef K.

The story of Josef K.

16.11.2020 Category 2

2 Comments // Reading Time: 4 min.

The great Oxmox

Far back, behind the mountains of words, far from the countries of vowels and consonants, live the blind texts. They live in seclusion in Buchstabhausen on the coast of the Semantik, a large linguistic ocean. A small stream called Duden flows through their village and supplies them with the necessary regularities. It's a paradisiacal land where fried sentence fragments fly into your mouth. Not even the almighty punctuation rules the blind texts - an almost unorthographic life. One day, however, a small line of dummy text, whose name was Lorem Ipsum, decided to go out into the wide world of grammar.

The great Oxmox advised her against it, as it was teeming with nasty commas, wild question marks and sneaky semicolons, but the little blind text was undeterred. It grabbed its seven capitals, slipped its initial into its belt and set off.

The copy warned the blind text

The copy warned the dummy copywriter that it had been rewritten umpteen times where it came from and that all that was left of its origin was the word "and" and that the dummy copywriter should turn around and return to his own safe country. But all the good talk couldn't convince it and so it wasn't long before a couple of sneaky copywriters ambushed it, got it drunk with lunge and slogan and then dragged it back to their agency, where they misused it again and again for their projects. And if it hasn't been rewritten, they're still using it. Far back, behind the mountains of words, far from the countries of vowels and consonants, live the blind texts. They live in seclusion in Buchstabhausen on the coast of the Semantik, a large ocean of language. A small stream called Duden flows through their village and supplies them with the necessary regularities. It's a paradisiacal land where fried sentence fragments fly into your mouth. Not even the almighty punctuation rules the blind texts - an almost unorthographic life. One day, however, a small line of dummy text, her name was Lorem Ipsum, decided to go out into the wide world of grammar. The great Oxmox advised her against it, as it was teeming with nasty commas, wild question marks and sneaky semicolons, but the little line of dummy text was not to be deterred.

Far back, behind the mountains of words, far from the countries of vowels and consonants, live the blind texts. They live in seclusion in Buchstabhausen on the coast of the Semantik, a large linguistic ocean. A small stream called Duden flows through their village and supplies them with the necessary regularities. It's a paradisiacal land where fried sentence fragments fly into your mouth. Not even the almighty punctuation rules the blind texts - an almost unorthographic life. One day, however, a small line of dummy text, whose name was Lorem Ipsum, decided to go out into the wide world of grammar.

The great Oxmox advised her against it, as it was teeming with nasty commas, wild question marks and sneaky semicolons, but the little blind text was undeterred. He grabbed his seven capitals, slipped his initial into his belt and set off. When it had climbed the first hills of the Italic Mountains, it took one last look back at the skyline of its home town of Buchstabhausen, the headline of Alphabetdorf and the subline of its own street, Zeilengasse. A rhetorical question ran wistfully down its cheek, then it continued on its way. On the way, it met a copy.

The copy warned the dummy copywriter that it had been rewritten umpteen times where it came from and that all that was left of its origin was the word "and" and that the dummy copywriter should turn around and return to his own safe country. But all the good talk couldn't convince it and so it wasn't long before a couple of sneaky copywriters ambushed it, got it drunk with lunge and slogan and then dragged it back to their agency, where they misused it again and again for their projects. And if it hasn't been rewritten, they're still using it. Far back, behind the mountains of words, far from the countries of vowels and consonants, live the blind texts. They live in seclusion in Buchstabhausen on the coast of the Semantik, a large ocean of language. A small stream called Duden flows through their village and supplies them with the necessary regularities. It's a paradisiacal land where fried sentence fragments fly into your mouth. Not even the almighty punctuation rules the blind texts - an almost unorthographic life. One day, however, a small line of dummy text, her name was Lorem Ipsum, decided to go out into the wide world of grammar. The great Oxmox advised her against it, as it was teeming with nasty commas, wild question marks and sneaky semicolons, but the little line of dummy text was not to be deterred.

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Markus Günther

Markus Günther

at 23.06.2016

Der Beitrag über den "großen Oxmox" ist eine unterhaltsame und kreative Darstellung der Welt des Blindtextes. Die Metapher der Blindtexte, die hinter den Wortbergen leben, verleiht dem Text eine [...] Der Beitrag über den "großen Oxmox" ist eine unterhaltsame und kreative Darstellung der Welt des Blindtextes. Die Metapher der Blindtexte, die hinter den Wortbergen leben, verleiht dem Text eine märchenhafte Atmosphäre und fesselt die Aufmerksamkeit des Lesers. Die Beschreibung von Buchstabhausen und dem Bächlein namens Duden erweckt eine lebhafte Vorstellung von diesem fiktiven Ort, der von Buchstaben und Sprache bevölkert ist.

Die Personifizierung des Blindtextes als das mutige Lorem Ipsum, das sich aufmacht, die weite Grammatik zu erkunden, verleiht der Geschichte eine interessante Wendung. Es ist faszinierend zu sehen, wie der Text mit Humor und Fantasie die Herausforderungen und Abenteuer des Blindtextes beschreibt, während es sich auf den Weg macht, seine Bestimmung zu finden.

Die Begegnung mit der Copy, die das Blindtextchen warnt und schließlich von Werbetextern missbraucht wird, verleiht der Geschichte eine überraschende Wendung und vermittelt eine wichtige Botschaft über die Gefahren der Manipulation von Texten.

Insgesamt ist dieser Beitrag eine gelungene Mischung aus Unterhaltung und Reflexion über die Welt des Blindtextes. Er regt zum Nachdenken über die Macht und den Missbrauch von Sprache an und bietet gleichzeitig eine amüsante und fesselnde Geschichte.

Stefan Galinski

Stefan Galinski

at 23.06.2016

Vielen Dank für Ihren einfallsreichen Kommentar! Ich freue mich, dass Sie die kreative Darstellung des Blindtextes genossen haben. Die Metaphern und Personifizierungen tragen wirklich dazu bei, die [...] Vielen Dank für Ihren einfallsreichen Kommentar! Ich freue mich, dass Sie die kreative Darstellung des Blindtextes genossen haben. Die Metaphern und Personifizierungen tragen wirklich dazu bei, die Welt des Blindtextes auf eine unterhaltsame Weise zum Leben zu erwecken.