YouTube & Vimeo

To add YouTube videos or Vimeo videos without downloading them, it's best to use our sg_youtube and sg_vimeo video extensions. This will enable the plugin content elements for YouTube and Vimeo. Click here to go to the product page of the video extensions. With these content elements you can elegantly embed single videos, as well as playlists/showcases or whole channels with a variety of options on your website. Below you can see the different options of the extensions.

Note: Videos from the file list can be embedded like images via the content element 'Text & Media'.

Single YouTube video with title and description

Description is limited to 150 characters | Video is played in lightbox | Thumbnail aspect ratio is 4:3

Fluid-Support für PHPStorm und IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Fluid-Support für PHPStorm und IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Zur Unterstützung der täglichen Arbeit mit der Template-Sprache Fluid, haben wir dieses Plugin für die populären IntelliJ IDEs - IntelliJ IDEA und PHPStorm - von Jetbrains erschaffen.

Mehr Informationen auf unserer Produktseite:

Erwerbbar in unserem Shop:

Music by 19minutes

Description is limited to 150 characters | video is played in lightbox

What is GitLab?

What is GitLab? It’s the faster path from idea to software. By bringing all of the essential DevSecOps tools — from source code management to CI/CD to integrated security — into a single comprehensive DevSecOps platform, GitLab helps teams reduce development costs, accelerate time to market, and deliver more secure and compliant applications. Millions of users worldwide, including more than half of the Fortune 100, use GitLab to build software faster.

Learn more about GitLab:

Single Vimeo video without title and description

Video is played directly on the page, instead of in the lightbox

Video plays directly on the page, instead of in the lightbox | Thumbnail aspect ratio is 4:3

YouTube channel in the default layout with max. 6 videos

With titles and without description | Titles are limited to 65 characters | Videos are played directly on the page, instead of in the lightbox | Thumbnail aspect ratio is 16:9 | Two custom thumbnails

Fluid-Support für PHPStorm und IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Fluid-Support für PHPStorm und IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Tutorial: How to change the .ts file extension for typoscript in PhpStorm, Webstorm and Co.

Tutorial: How to change the .ts file extension for typoscript in...

Vorstellung: TinyMCE als TYPO3 RTE

Vorstellung: TinyMCE als TYPO3 RTE

Vorstellung: Der Language File Editor

Vorstellung: Der Language File Editor

JavaScript im Google Chrome debuggen

JavaScript im Google Chrome debuggen

TypoScript Plugin Installation

TypoScript Plugin Installation

With titles and without description | Titles are limited to 65 characters | Videos are played directly on the page, instead of in the lightbox | Two custom thumbnails

Detailed intro to CSS 2|17 Developers tools

Detailed intro to CSS 2|17 Developers tools

Detailed intro to CSS 2|16 Selective overriding

Detailed intro to CSS 2|16 Selective overriding

Detailed intro to CSS 2|15 Override cascade effect

Detailed intro to CSS 2|14 Two style definition

Detailed intro to CSS 2|13 Conflicting selectors

Detailed intro to CSS 2|12 Anchor tag rules

Vimeo channel in the playlist layout with max. 4 videos

With titles and descriptions | Descriptions are limited to 150 characters | Videos are played in lightbox | One custom thumbnail

Detailed intro to CSS 2|17 Developers tools

Detailed intro to CSS 2|17 Developers tools

Free Web Tools and Search Engine Optimisation Training Video from We provide completely free and open educational resources for learning a variety of multimedia and ICT tools. You can find many more videos on

Multimedia Training Videos is supported by:
Joint Information Systems Committee-JISC
Higher Edcuation Academy
University of Westminster Education Initiative Centre.

You can read more about the OER project at the following site:

Detailed intro to CSS 2|16 Selective overriding

Free Web Tools and Search Engine Optimisation Training Video from We provide completely free and open educational resources for learning a variety of multimedia and ICT tools. You can find many more videos on

Multimedia Training Videos is supported by:
Joint Information Systems Committee-JISC
Higher Edcuation Academy
University of Westminster Education Initiative Centre.

You can read more about the OER project at the following site:

Detailed intro to CSS 2|15 Override cascade effect

Free Web Tools and Search Engine Optimisation Training Video from We provide completely free and open educational resources for learning a variety of multimedia and ICT tools. You can find many more videos on

Multimedia Training Videos is supported by:
Joint Information Systems Committee-JISC
Higher Edcuation Academy
University of Westminster Education Initiative Centre.

You can read more about the OER project at the following site:

Detailed intro to CSS 2|14 Two style definition

Free Web Tools and Search Engine Optimisation Training Video from We provide completely free and open educational resources for learning a variety of multimedia and ICT tools. You can find many more videos on

Multimedia Training Videos is supported by:
Joint Information Systems Committee-JISC
Higher Edcuation Academy
University of Westminster Education Initiative Centre.

You can read more about the OER project at the following site:

With titles and descriptions | Descriptions are limited to 150 characters | Videos are played in lightbox | Thumbnail aspect ratio is 16:9 | One custom thumbnail

Insights into the Extbase ORM-Layer – Paul Ilea

Insights into the Extbase ORM-Layer – Paul Ilea

This week, Paul kicks off our new series of internal talks with an introduction to the Extbase ORM-Layer. The first steps are always the hardest – unfortunately Philipps audio track was not recorded, so you won't be able to hear all the questions he asked. But Pauls answers to them are probably more interesting anyway.
Fluid-Support für PHPStorm und IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Fluid-Support für PHPStorm und IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Zur Unterstützung der täglichen Arbeit mit der Template-Sprache Fluid, haben wir dieses Plugin für die populären IntelliJ IDEs - IntelliJ IDEA und PHPStorm - von Jetbrains erschaffen.

Mehr Informationen auf unserer Produktseite:

Erwerbbar in unserem Shop:

Music by 19minutes
Tutorial: How to change the .ts file extension for typoscript in PhpStorm, Webstorm and Co.

Tutorial: How to change the .ts file extension for typoscript in PhpStorm, Webstorm and Co.

The .ts file extension is used for typescript in jetbrains products. This tutorial shows how to use the .ts files extension for the file type typoscript.

German Blog Post:
Vorstellung: Der Language File Editor

Vorstellung: Der Language File Editor

Schon vor einiger Zeit haben wir eine Extension veröffentlicht, die euch die Übersetzung von Sprachdateien erleichtert. Hier ist die Videoanleitung dazu, ihr könnt aber auch auf unserer Open Source Seite nachschlagen.

Der Artikel:
Unser Kontaktformular:

YouTube playlist in the row layout

With titles and descriptions | Videos are played in lightbox | Thumbnail aspect ratio is 16:9

  • TypoScript Plugin Installation

    TypoScript Plugin Installation

    TypoScript Plugin: Jetbrains Plugin Repository:


    This plugin provides support for the TypoScript configuration language of the TYPO3 CMS.

    - Code Highlighting
    - Code Folding
    - Code Formatting
    - Code Auto Completion with multi file support
    - Code Type Annotation
    - Code Documentation (Ctrl+Q on Windows/Unix, Ctrl-J on Mac)
    - Error Detection
    - Structure Tree
    - and many more

    We will deliver further features and bugfixes in the future. Please check for updates regularly.
    If you find bugs or have feature requests, please open a ticket in our public issue tracker.

    You want to support the development? You can get in touch with us via our contact form.
  • TypoScript Plugin Features

    TypoScript Plugin Features

    TypoScript Plugin: Jetbrains Plugin Repository:


    This plugin provides support for the TypoScript configuration language of the TYPO3 CMS.

    - Code Highlighting
    - Code Folding
    - Code Formatting
    - Code Auto Completion with multi file support
    - Code Type Annotation
    - Code Documentation (Ctrl+Q on Windows/Unix, Ctrl-J on Mac)
    - Error Detection
    - Structure Tree
    - and many more

    We will deliver further features and bugfixes in the future. Please check for updates regularly.
    If you find bugs or have feature requests, please open a ticket in our public issue tracker.

    You want to support the development? You can get in touch with us via our contact form.

With titles and descriptions | Videos are played in lightbox

  • Commit Virtual 2021: Innovate Together Day 2 - Introduction with William Chia

  • Commit Virtual 2021: Innovating Together on the Next Generation of DevOps

    Speaker: Christie Lenneville, Anoop Dawar In this session Anoop Dawar, GitLab’s VP of Product Management and Christie Lenneville, GitLab’s VP of User Experience share some of the big wins and product milestones over the last year. Then we’ll get a glimpse into the GitLab product roadmap as they show how we can innovate together on the Next Generation of DevOps.
  • Commit Virtual 2021: Building a Bright Future of Innovation

    Speaker: Laurel Farrer Your company's need for growth, creativity, and collaboration is constant. constant. How can your entire team develop great ideas without being together? Whether hybrid, fully remote, or undecided, strengthening both synchronous and asynchronous methods of collaboration is critical to nurturing team engagement and producing sustainable results.

Twitter Stream

@sgalinski Twitter Stream